Friday, September 22, 2006

...not for the last time

Bilbo wished he was back in his cozy hobbit hole with a cup of tea and a warm fire...

But all the adventures were good for him, made him a better person. Right.....
There's no sunshine at my job. It's all flourecent lighting, no windows. I'm going mad slowly but surely, all that orange lining the walls, checkouts, highlighting the my slow spiral into insanity. I like precisely one person there. And that's because they remind me of my sister. The rest vary from non-entities to REALLy annnoying. One of the clean up crew looks a bit like Kevin Bacon. A bit too much actaully. It's creepy. Kevin Bacon scares the crap out of me, like in that movie, The River, I think it's called. Talent is a neat-o little town which I have yet to do much more in than drive through on my way to work.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Why can't you be good like the other children?

Well, after a good rabbit trail romp through MySpace I’ve decided I’ve completely wasted my life...of wait, I reached that conclusion awhile back. Ha! Too late! Still, all the babies and husbands and degrees and foreign countries listed by former acquaintances are a bit overwhelming. I’m not envious but I’d really hate to try to write anything interesting about the last five years. Sum up: two words: REALLY BORING. Perhaps the rest of my life will be REALLY FABULOUS. By that I mean I’ll have all sorts of adventures which, much like Bilbo, make me wish that I was back safe at home in my nice warm bed drinking tea and studying maps.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What day is it again?

Smoking is not being endorsed here...just pretend that's a cinnamon stick or medicinal or something.
I won't even go into how terrible a daughter I am...but I will state that I am indeed a terrible daughter.

The sun is shining so of course I’m avoiding it if at all possible. Wouldn’t want to damage that winter tan I worked so hard on. I ate about twice my body weight earlier today and I’m feeling a little sick, in a good way of course.

Working a Figgie’s but I have a new boss since Mike sold the store. Think it’s for the best. I still plan on quitting soon, and hope to find new employment at the myriad of glorious establishments this town has to offer someone with no college or trade skills. I wonder how much my earlobes are worth on the black market? I mean, I’m not using them. Then again, I’m not sure there’s even a market for that sort of thing.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Dreams have never made my bed...

... So last night I had a work dream, you know, the stressful kind in which everything is going wrong. As I open the drive thru window who should my wondering eyes appear but George Clooney. yes, I know very odd, considering I think he's somewhat of a buffoon. But I HAD to get his signature for my mother since she adores him. then, he also wrote down some career advice, with a diagram, and little notes, and told me "You shouldn't be working here." HA!!!! My mum's hero told me to quit! In a dream! I'm SO putting that in the resignation letter :) Also, I'm trying to eat healthier. We'll see how it goes. Mmm, rabbit food. Actually, rabbits eat a lot of pellets, eww.

Friday, April 14, 2006

April showers bring gardens of sound and slaves to audio

On my break from work aka, the period of time where, more than any other, I contemplate just running away. My little apartment is looking pretty cute thanks to Chelsea moving in. She actually has the time and energy to decorate and arrange stuff yeah! I'm currently looking for a car, or something on wheels. It could run on potatoes and I'd say "cool". Been tryin got do crunchies every day in order to aid my back in it's rather tremendous job of supporting my cumbersome frame ;) Ran out of TP today and am too lazy to pick some up. Hello employee bathroom. Okay, too much info yeah? Right-o. Gotta go check on dinner . later.

Thursday, January 05, 2006 a sultan in your onion head hat

Breakfast: Bowl of stale Honey Nut Cheerios and 2% milk.

Music: Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash, The Cure, RHCP, Cake, Temple of the Dog, Andrea Bocelli, Switchfoot, Third Day, Eagles, Led Zepplin.

Cleanliness: unshowered, laundry unfolded, dirty socks kicked off in sleep still at end of bed.

Money spent: none, but had a close call with this morning

Goals: Wash self, fold clothes, eat food, walk to parents, deposit money, clear debt with library.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Everbody's gonna party like it's 2006

and then they're going to write about it.

So glad to be up and about again after my little adventura de la espalda. At the tender age of 23 I can now add back problems to my geriatric mixing pot of medical symptoms. Any day now I'll be dicussing the forthcoming weather as predicted by my left knee and eating various forms of mashed food stuffs.

Lately I've been bemoaning the loss of Seifer's (my little geek figurine that marks this territory as mine) glorious gunblade at the teeth of Hellwood. After purusing online for awhile I found one can purchase the aforementioned item ACTUALL SIZE. Hah! Now that's a knife!

Speaking of knives, Bowie's birthday is coming soon. He'll be 59 this year. :) And only one heart attack so far! Doing good old man ;) Considering the Scarface sized pile of cocaine he's snorted. See skinny paranoid example on the right.