Bilbo wished he was back in his cozy hobbit hole with a cup of tea and a warm fire...
But all the adventures were good for him, made him a better person. Right.....
There's no sunshine at my job. It's all flourecent lighting, no windows. I'm going mad slowly but surely, all that orange lining the walls, checkouts, highlighting the my slow spiral into insanity. I like precisely one person there. And that's because they remind me of my sister. The rest vary from non-entities to REALLy annnoying. One of the clean up crew looks a bit like Kevin Bacon. A bit too much actaully. It's creepy. Kevin Bacon scares the crap out of me, like in that movie, The River, I think it's called. Talent is a neat-o little town which I have yet to do much more in than drive through on my way to work.