Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Finally figured mi mum's camera out. Look, I can make scary pictures! So, things that have happened. I had a few (8) teeth pulled. That was cool. My boss really wants me to stay at work for awhile. Offered more hours and possible future health insurance. Thus making it even more dificult for me to say I QUIT YOU POOF!
Hmm, I had my first great big tea party, SEVEN people. Which, when you set a places, prepare food, boil water, clean up after and entertain for, seems like a lot. They even had personalized place markers. And I (with a LITTLE help from my family ;) got it all ready in about two hours! We tried this strange tea with flavor of mango and other fruits which most disliked but I enjoyed. MANGO!!! How can I not love that gu...fruit. Overall, a sucess.

Final note: I'm madly in love with Chris Cornell's voice...le sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, very fun thing with the eyes!! Most scary!!! You should use the hideously expensive tea your grandmama introduced us too down here. I've found that my favorite coffeeshop in Portland carries it loose. Ahhhhhh!
