Thursday, August 26, 2010

thinking too much...

I don't have money, power, influence, leverage, fame, notoriety, political, military or business ties. I have no favors I can call in or a wide reaching forum to spread information. Two people read this. I can't physically go and stop all the crazy terrible things I read about in countries across the world or even cities in the next state. I want to. I’d like to take some mean dogs and a shotgun and protect the innocent like some girl version of the Saints. I feel like all I do is absorb bad news, helpless to take any real action. Meanwhile Lindsay Lohan flies in our faces like a giant waving hand, keeping the world at bay. Le sigh….

1 comment:

  1. Hey Savvs, I know what you mean. Especially right now, during the election season, I get so burnt out on slander and hatred. I was listening to an interview with Jon Stewart and he was talking about how there are enemies out in the world, REAL enemies, and yet we're so focused on political OPPONENTS, trying to make them into enemies, that we (they) lose all sense of cooperation to combat true evil. I paraphrase.

    BUT, on a happier note, I think our power to do good and decrease worldsuck on an individual level is something we should never forget. The Biblical concept of do unto others and love thy neighbor, if actually USED, would completely change the world. So, I love you, and I'm going to go eat cold pizza here in a minute. Mwah!!
