So I deactivated both my Facebook and Myspace and as I suspected, I feel a little less burdened. I'm in a clean out mood. I got rid of a bunch of stuff on my computer and if I had any personal belongings to speak of I'm sure I'd be laying waste to them as well. I left the following message for facebook explainign my departure.
Online social networking isn't helping my real life at all. If anything, it keeps me from actively connecting with the real world. I'm going to start calling people again, writing them letters, leaving cookies on their doorstep, giving them a real hug. All the virtual gifts in the world can't compare to that. Sometimes you just want to be in the same room with someone, breathing the same air, knowing you're not alone.
A bit dramitic, sure, but I'm feeling that way. The leaves are falling in waves now and the cold has a bite. Grey skies above press down on us as we scurry below from building to building. The season of rain and wind and woodfires is here and I'd be doing a disservice to the weather if I din't let it get to me just a bit : )