The house is on fire. There's no ac. Get back from work at 11:15 pm and fling all doors and windows wide, running the pitiful box fans in an attempt to equalize the temperature. During the time it takes to cool the house off have taken to walking with the roommates about town and campus. I especially love the college grounds because they're lit with aesthetically pleasing globe lamps, giving the trees and brick buildings a surreal glow. I'm giving serious effort in the being healthy department. Drinking lots of water. It helps that the weather has killed my appetite.
I've discovered I have an apparent propensity for math, to my everlasting despair. I'm even making jokes and scenarios with it. I imagined a FF character using math to battle. For instance, if they wish to decrease the enemies power they simply throw a -10 power at it and suddenly the creature is exponentially smaller. This is the sort of thing that makes me terrified to wake up in the morning. What am I turning into?
Alright time for breakfast.