I like too many things too little. Ah, shallow attachment, the bane of my life. Too many to list, too insignificant to report. I carry them along like a trawler with his net down. What are good is a net full of fish if I never bring them it up to make tuna? I’m just waiting fuel and time. Can’t let them go, can’t real them in for any use. Erg.
Okay, smelly analogy. Not much going on around here. Well, actually, that’s not true, but as far as my life is concerned things are normal. Tea, anime, movies, Final Fantasy, blatant ooogling of…stain glass windows and wildlife documentaries, and Figaro’s. And of course all those nice people who still hang out with me even when I’m annoying.
Side note: Watched You Only Live Twice. Mr. Connery as a Nipponese deserves the Worst Racial Disguise Ever award, for being utterly silly and because he keeps his spittle producing Scottish accent through the whole thing.
My darling, I adore you. You make a gray day happy and laughing. I've been indulging my little shallow attachment lately, too, as related in the email I sent.
ReplyDeleteAs for You Only Live Twice, it has my favorite of the Bond songs, and the racial stuff is actually watered down from what appeared in the original novels. I have long thought that I should write a paper about this because, having listened to almost all of them on CD, I have noticed some interesting trends in racial and sexual portrayals. Eh, I'll rave about them to you in person. Love you dear!!!