So I just moved into my fifth home in seven years. Hoping to be in this one for at least two. There's cable and internet access in every bedroom and it's included with rent which is unheard of, I think. I feel at home already even though it's only been week. I think it's it's because each of the roomies came equipped with a complete household. We have furniture in the living room , stuff on the walls, pictures, books, dishes, random keepsakes, dirty laundry, food in the fridge, notes left to each other on the counter. We've only lived here awhile but it feels settled. I like it. There's a little fenced in deck and yard. I ate lunch and read out there today in the sun like I used to in Medford at the apartment complex. I'm working on an old mystery novel called Laura. It was made into a movie in the forties, pretty entertaining. That had it on instant watch on Netflix. I cut myself back on rentals because of school. Ugg, I have homework again for the first time in six years. No, it's fun, and I've worked really hard to able to take these classes. I'm supposed to keep a journal for English. I'm keeping one on my laptop but I think I'll use this a little as well, just to diversify ahah.